Version History of HTML:
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-> Html 1.0 ------------------------ 1991
-> Html 2.0 ------------------------ 1994
-> Html 3.0 ------------------------- 1997
-> Html 4.0 ------------------------- 1998
-> Html 5.0 ------------------------- 2008 to 2014
What is W3c and Whatwg?
-> w3c stands for world wide web consortium.
-> w3c is the main international standards organisation for the world wide web(www).
-> all the client side Technologies (eg Html,Css,Js) are maintained by w3c
-> director of w3c is "Timothy John Bernes-lee" (TIMBL) ,Html also invented by Timbl.
-> This group is formed by group of software companies like IBM,MicroSoft,Apple .
->w3c was formed in 1990's.
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-> new features of html5 was suggested by Whatwg.
-> whatwg stands for Web Hyper Text Application Technology Working Group.
-> whatwg was formed in 2004 by Google,Apple,Mozilla,Opera,Adobe etc..
Developing Web Pages Using HTML:
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-> we can develop the static web pages using html.
-> a web page that is created using html is also called as html Document.
-> Every html document is created with help of following items
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-> all the tags are divided into two Categories
1) Paired Tags
2) Single Tags
1.Paired Tags:
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-> paired tags should contains open and closing tags
eg: <h1>Heading</h1>
<p> Paragraph</p>
-> most of the tags in Html are paired tags.
-> paired tags are also called as content tags.
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if you are not close the tags properly Browser will generated unExpected Results.
2.Single Tags:
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-> single tags contain only open tag .
-> we can provide required details for single tag using Attributes
eg: <br/>
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-> attributes are used to provide required details to tag so that we can use as per purpose.
eg: href,src
-> few attributes are optinal attributes .
eg: bgcolor,align
-> all the attributes in Html are divided into two categories
1) Tag Specific Attributes
2) Global Attributes
-> tag specific attribute are applicable to only for specific tags.
<img src="image1.jpg"/>
<a href="Demo.html">Next</a>
->Global attributes are Applicable to all Html tags.
eg: id,name,style,title,class
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